Sunday, December 14, 2008

Reverse Bulimia

12:28 PM Morgan: what is reverse bulimia, praytell
12:29 PM me: you are gone
you are fleeting
12:34 PM Morgan: i'm not gone
i'm invisible
me: but you are never invisible to me!
cackle cackle
Morgan: i don't think its disgusting i think its questionable
oh boy
12:35 PM me: I have sent you TWO bunnies
Morgan: ok so tell me what your former status means
me: bunny pics
TWO emails
Morgan: no response!
me: and this is what I get back from you?
reverse bulimia means
Morgan: hahaha
me: i'm lactose intolerant
but I eat dairy products anyway
Morgan: aaaaaah
me: like 3 bowls of ice cream in one night
it comes out the other end
Morgan: poop town!
doesn't that hurt?
that would kill me
12:36 PM i'm actually going to my doctor today to figure out what is wrong with my tummy
everything gives me reflux or makes me nauseous

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