Monday, March 31, 2008

On Morgie's Blog

Last Week: "President George W. Bush spoke with soldiers in Afghanistan. "I'm a little envious," he said via a remote video link. 'It must be exciting for you --in some ways romantic, in some ways, you know, confronting danger.'" (harper's)

Kamdizzle said...

you know what's ROMANTIC? getting slapped by Scarlett.

Oh yeah, that turns me on.
Hot in Pants,


Friday, March 28, 2008

more projecting; sorry old people

Kam: maybe he will be clever and witty
me: he's old he's prolly lost his wit
Kam: or he could be at the peak
4:48 PM i want to be 65 and extra sharp
an old lady no one fucks with

9 minutes
4:57 PM me: ok
4:58 PM i'm leaving. i'm going to meet this person and am not happy about it
i'm just going for the free tea and the shits and giggles
not shitting or giggling yet


Kam: i didz
4:31 PM :D
me: i was looking for it
Kam: :-/
4:34 PM Kam: i ate another donut

kam is allergic to everything but is relatively lucky in the grand scheme of things!!!

Kam: my face looks like a fucking tomato
freaking allergies
freakin soy in everything
3:25 PM me: aw poor kam
at least you don't have a history of prostectamy
which is a word not found in the microsoft word spell check database



Kam's new status message -
omg i miss lost now

omgosh can we put the this iz my jackface
on the blog
plz plz plz

coming of age

Kam: yes i saw the cute bunny

is that your cute bunny
me: no

me: but they are just as sad to have their balls cut off
Kam: what!
is that what spay and neuter means?
me: yes kam
welcome to grown up land
Kam: hey i've never had a pet


me: i didn't ever want to go to school/ on saturdays
Kam: i dont know
same here
sikh sunday school
i didnt speak punjabi very well so the kids made fun of me
me: aw
Kam: but now theyre all getting married or going to community college
karmas a bittchhh


Morgan: yes
it smells like coconut! or tanning lotion!
like acapulco!
maybe i am having a stroke

things with holes in them and filled with red stuff

Kam: neenarrneeenarr

i keep eating the damn donuts in the breakroom

me: haahah
doughnuts make my throat hurt
they burn
it's like an instant ulcer

Kam: but not the cinnamon/powedered sugar donuts

me: a big, perforated, bleeding ulcer

Kam: mmmmm powdered sugar

me: mmm surgery!
someday kam, you are going to have your last doughnut and i am going to cut you open

Kam: ew

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Different Strokes for Different Folks

Morgan: WHY does everywhere i go smell like HOTDOGS

me: are you sURE you're not having a stroke?

Morgan: WHY am I SO THIRSTY today
pretty sure
it'd be like a 18 hour stroke
highly unfortunate

But There's No Toto

2:31 PM me: man
my boss keeps calling me dorothy
she thinks its funny

Morgan: hahahahaha

me: no.

Morgan: that's pretty much the funniest name you could ever be called

me: its b/c i'm from kansas

Morgan: wow
that's horrible

2:55 PM Morgan: i'm singing the wicked witch theme to myself now


me: he sent me like 4 emails last night
this is not normal
i need normal
what happened to normalcy land?

Kam: ahhh he sounds weird now

me: i don't think he's actually weird
i'm projecting
if it goes horribly i'm w/in running distance of home
oh shit he's faster than me

Kam: but you are small and bouncy
you can run into areas he cannot

me: bouncy?
are you calling me fat?
oh crap i have a meeting

Kam: i mean like a bunny!

Paper Cuts are Bitchin'

My theory is that everyone in the working world, especially those recently blessed with the attainment of a BA and a job that requires them to sit in front of a computer all day entering data/emailing egotistical types who don't like to be on the CC: list (I'm TO: person, got it?) and basically doing all the dirty work for those recently blessed with an MA, MBA, JD, MD,PhD or what have you, pretty much spend most of their working hours on GChat with all the other under-thirties who are tearing their eyeballs out of their sockets with boredome, taking the stairs voluntarily in order to elevate their heartbeat and nursing about three million paper cuts. These are the chronicles of one such gchat friendship, formerly based on actual human contact, but unavoidably cast from the empirical world into the waves of internet-based society.