Sunday, December 14, 2008


12:38 PM i'm teaching myself french by reading french news
and then translating it b/c my french sucks
12:39 PM Morgan: coolio
did you move yet?
how is your job?
i feel like its dumbing you down
12:40 PM where's my whipper-snapper kamdizzleface
12:41 PM me: i'm moving
i found a place
with a roomate
who has a full time job
and is in grad school
she is never home
so if she IS crazy like my current roomate
I will never see her
and if she isnt crazy, then thats awesome!
cheaper than my current apartment
and nicer than my current apartment
12:42 PM AND I dont even have to pay to use the laundry !!!
did you say my job is dumbing me down?
yeah maybe a little
but i think thats life
life dumbs you down
Ms. I have been enrolled in school my entire LIFEO

11 minutes
12:53 PM Morgan: ???
whats that mean
i love svhool
12:54 PM sorry i had to take a nap for a second
me: i have a mtg in 5 min
Morgan: ok
have fun
me: i'm sleepy
i'm going to fall asleep in the meeting
Morgan: i haven't not been sleepy in days
take excedrin!
12:55 PM miracle drug!
for headaches
newho have funners
12:56 PM me: huh?

Reverse Bulimia

12:28 PM Morgan: what is reverse bulimia, praytell
12:29 PM me: you are gone
you are fleeting
12:34 PM Morgan: i'm not gone
i'm invisible
me: but you are never invisible to me!
cackle cackle
Morgan: i don't think its disgusting i think its questionable
oh boy
12:35 PM me: I have sent you TWO bunnies
Morgan: ok so tell me what your former status means
me: bunny pics
TWO emails
Morgan: no response!
me: and this is what I get back from you?
reverse bulimia means
Morgan: hahaha
me: i'm lactose intolerant
but I eat dairy products anyway
Morgan: aaaaaah
me: like 3 bowls of ice cream in one night
it comes out the other end
Morgan: poop town!
doesn't that hurt?
that would kill me
12:36 PM i'm actually going to my doctor today to figure out what is wrong with my tummy
everything gives me reflux or makes me nauseous

Thursday, June 12, 2008

a fortuitous realization

me: i need a spouse
but kam i'm really not into the kid thing
i don't know if i ever will be
all the carrying and feeding
it's like bunnies TIMES A MILLION
Kam: dude
i'm the opposite
i want the kiddies
me: really
Kam: but no husband
me: ha

let's get married
Kam: we should marry!
me: hahaha
Kam: i'll take care of the kids

and you'll get the spouse
but you gotta bring home the bacon then
me: fine

Monday, June 9, 2008

Conversations of Substance (and Fluid)

Morgan: hey
i've been there
believe me
i was 17
me: hey!
i've never been there
so re-digest your barf

Fuck Change (.org)

me: ok i need a change bowl
i have copious amounts of coins
i'm rich!
me: actually
even richer!!
Morgan: omigod something fortuitous happened today
me: yes?
Morgan: i went to get coffee and automatically went for the large w/out knowing how much money i had or how much it cost
and it was cash only
i knew i had one dollar bill and a bunch of change
it was $1.73
I had EXACTLY $1.73, 13 cents of which was in PENNIES
me: that is awesome
that is the universe watching out for you

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Conversations of Substance (and Fluid)

me: HeLLO!
.....i didnt get my morgan fill yesterday
Morgan: and for that i am deeply repentant sec must peee


Morgan: huzzah
me: hi
Morgan: hey
wanna see my mri
it's awesooome
the answer is yes
ok i'm emailing
me: ok sweet
Morgan: how cool am I me: that is going to be so awesome
Morgan: i KNOW
me: you.are.badass.
Morgan: patting.self.on.back.
and how badass am i to call an orthopedic surgeon all by myself and get him to read my MRI before the radiology report comes out
me: you are

you beat me in your badassery
Morgan: you beat me in madeupwordiness
me: rly

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Morgan: me neither'
i need some raisins
i've been so deprived
my one love in this world

me: raisins?
why is he gray
this is bothering me
i want to fix it
its a monkey
how cute
animated monkey
why is this man so adorable

Morgan: what the fuck are you talking about

omgod she's coding

Kam: i want to code white myself from work
me: lolZ

me: i'm about to code purple all over the place
i guess i could code green myself from work too
but code white is more fun
mess with everyone
i just flashed this employee at work
and no one will believe him
b/c why the hell would I flash someone.
me: you ARE holy shnykies
Kam: i wonder if that was long enough for him to realize that my left boob is much bigger than the right one
this is how i spend my day.
when I could be doing actual work
me: hahahahaha
Sent at 3:15 PM on Tuesday
me: oh sweetness! free food tomorrow at the memorial service for all the pediatric patients who died this year.

need to code yellow

For Future Reference


Bomb Threat
Code Orange

Campus Lockdown
Code Gray

Decontamination Team - External
Code Yellow

Emergency Department Closure Due To Internal Emergency
Code Black

Emergency Department Decompression
Code Help

Emergency Management Plan Activation
Code Triage

Code Green

Fire or Fire Alarm Activation
Code Red

Missing Adult
Code White

Missing Infant / Child or Abduction
Code Pink

Respiratory/Cardiac Arrest or Medical Emergency
Code Blue

Unruly Patient or Visitor
Code Purple

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Destroying Your Childhood

Shauvik is this crazy Indian who lives in St. Louis and will soon have to leave the States to marry a nice Bengali girl on his parent's goat farm. They will be a joint family, yes yes. He also destroys any concept of goodness I have, starting with my childhood. But at least he makes me laugh while he does it. Here's a video, courtesy of this crazy foreigner.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Kamvestigators & Morganalyzers

Morgan: ok i can subject them to kamalysis
me: no that doesn't work

Morgan: that actually just sounds like an exploding kam
Morgan: kamplification!

me: isn't that amplifying the problem!!!

Morgan: yes! therefore subjecting it to more detailed scrutiny!!

me: kamsolve

Morgan: kamagine

me: kamsect?

Morgan: kamardissect

me: kamarutiny?

Morgan: kamzamine

me: err

Morgan: kamxamine i mean

me: kamvestigate!

Morgan: yes!

me: we'll kamvestigate the problem!

Morgan: then morganalyze!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

mo' jelly beans mo' problems

me: i'm in a longitudinal study about music and i have to answer all these questions about my current musical involvement
1:07 PM and how i am liking/attaining/succeeding in my music career
and all of them i'm like N/A n/a n/a
don't care don't care don't care
then it's like "if you're not doing music any more, why?"
Kam: hahahah
what was your answer
1:08 PM btw
i'm on my way to eating about
70 jelly beans
i've already eaten about 40
all black licorice
1:09 PM me: mmmmm those are the ONLY ones i like
we're meant for each other
ok my answer was
1:10 PM i didn't like striving for self perfection in a field that didn't impact society at the structural level and felt like i wasn't helping anyone
also had a degrading teacher who i did not want to emulate
1:11 PM also thought musicians were chronically self loving and holier-than-thou

i got a raise! whoo hoo!
1:12 PM Kam: sweet
1:13 PM was it unexpected?
thats awesome
me: kind of yeah
Kam: mo' money mo' problems

1:23 PM Kam:
i feel sick
too many jelly beans
1:25 PM me: aw
aw aw aw
you are like a sad easter bunny
1:26 PM Kam: hahaha yeah
you mean like a hung over one
stupid stupid govt

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hey Man

Morgan: hey man
go with flow
go with flow

me: what if the flow ends!
what if there is no more flow?

Morgan: hey man i ask myself the same question

me: not helping!

Morgan: hey [man]
solidarity helps
Kam: ooMGod morgan
me: ooooooooomgosh kam what
Kam: if I come to boston
we have to start a band
called Vis-a-vis

me: yes ok but you have to live with me
here's the deal if you want to set foot here you have to live in my house

Kam: you are not excited about my brilliant name and idea!
be excited!
me: i am i am!
vis-a-vis telepathy!
Kam: yes!Kam: yes!
of course I will live with you if I come to boston
that is a given
me: yessssss

Kam: what if we have band drama
me: neverrrrrr

Kam: like
i become the main act

me: and i will be absent!
Kam: like gwen stefani in no doubt
of course i can't sing though
but I can pretend!
me: it's ok i will have to go be a fetal surgeon at some point
Kam: omg we can make medical songs

me: and operate on pregnant ladies bellies

Friday, April 18, 2008

me: omgosh did you survive the earthquake????
Kam: what earthquake?
Kam: omg no
i didnt even feel it
and i was in the loop last night
me: whoa!
you must have superpowers
Kam: i slept at my friendsplace in the city
he didnt feel it either!
i didnt sleep well though
maybe thats why
me: maaybe
but they felt it all the way in mich!
and in atlanta!
me: disappointed?
Kam: yes!
i wish i had felt it!
me: me too!
Kam: my friend in boston claims he felt it
me: he is lying
Kam: i know
me: i was awake at 5:30
Kam: oh he said
it was part of a really weird dream
so he might have imagined it
me: maybe it's why i woke up!
Kam: yeah i woke up early too!
and couldnt sleep well
me: it was 5:34 when i finally looked at the clock
Kam: it was hte earthquake
me: !!!
it shook the nation!
Kam: the electromagnetic forcees are disturbing our sleep patterns
like an election!
me: and kinetic energy!
Kam: i should go check and see if theres any crooked buildings in the loop
me: yeah!
this is exciting!
me: i will look out for broken bridges
all the bridges in boston are broken
Kam: boston is falling apart

hopefully they won't get any earthquakes anytime soon
Kam: i want to be a millionaire!
me: i want a fucking apartment!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

stress monkeys

Kam: riiiiiight
i'm trying to
look for jobs
instead of half-heartedly
me: omgz i don't have advice
Kam: its too much work!
me: i took the first job i got
Kam: informational interviews
me: i know
Kam: networking
me: ew
Kam: etc
me: ew
Kam: garrrr
me: ew

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

life sucks when you're kam part II

Kam: i am itchy everywhere
and too poor to buy allergy medicine
so by the end of the spring
i will be one big red/brown hive
w/ hair on top

me: poor kam

life pretty much sucks when you're kam!

Kam: i hit a car this morning

me: was there any bad damage?
Kam: yeah
i put a huge dent over the tire
in the neighbors car
and i damaged teh back corner of the prius
of the family i live with
how much is a deductible normally?

me: i have no idea
i never drive

Kam: so its not even my car
i took the day off work

me: oh good!
you can think about paying for the damage with all the money you are not making today

Monday, April 7, 2008

Soft Little Cuddly Things

me: omgosh
an australian man had a baby with his daughter
he left her when she was 1
and wasn't reunited until she was 30 and he was 60
and they were in love w/ each other
Morgan: her dad
human beings are...awful
me: i just got an update!
turns out they met when she was 15
but they lied and said she was 30\
Morgan: i am vomiting
not really
you knwo what
i suddenly miss my little mexican friend named emil

Wild Animals in The Winter

Morgan: oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
me: ah ah ah ah
me: we could be monkeys

6 minutes

Ok, you have to watch The Office to get this (Yeah I'm talking to you Morgan)

Morgan: i think we're getting 5 inches of rain per hour right now
2:36 PM me: are you exaggerating
2:40 PM Morgan: that's what billy said
2:41 PM me: is that what she said
Morgan: what who
2:48 PMbilly is a he with a monotonous voice and no friends

Thursday, April 3, 2008

oooo bummer

me: omg kam what could possibly be crappy about todya
i think this may top the list as one of the worst work days ever
4:23 PM me: aww
what happened sweetie
tell mama all about it
Kam:[truncated] abusive boss.............fairy godmother..........paranoid...........
..............self-aggrandizing people.......ahhh this is a really long story..................evil..............
........................she's going to hell.................................crazy fucking passaggressive psycho.........she was sick.................
......everyone was freaking out........why did you send the police..............shes so fucking evil...................
................... and it turned out they had an anuerism
and they died
me: aneurism
4:35 PM Kam: and there was another guy
who had asthma and he didnt show up
but he was reaching for the phone
but he died
before he could reach it.......................
and basically for a majority of the day
i've been internally freaking out...........

me: you sound like you need to breathe into a bag for a while

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

And Now Everyone Really Knows!

me: this april fools joke isnt flying real well
Morgan: uhoh
me: me: I'M PREGNANT
As(s)hu(le): what
me: yes
As(s)hu(le): i have an extra hanger, i'll be right over
2:29 PM Morgan: LOlZ
2:35 PM me: i think he knows its a joke

42 minutes
3:18 PM Morgan: hi kam
how's the little baby kam
kickin around in there
me: no
i have to go to phonathon today
Morgan: tell them you can't
3:19 PM you're preg and need your rest
me: they wont believe me
Morgan: then tomorrow april fools 'em
me: everyone knows i'm not getting laid

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

a pair of young beauties

M Kam: ah young life
3:11 PM my life is nowhere near exciting
but! it will be!
once it gets warm
3:15 PM me: exactly!
my life is only ever exciting in the summertime
i feel like a troll in the winter
hiding in a cave, miserable and zitty
3:17 PM Kam: well i'm flaky
b/c of my dry skin
if you combined us, maybe we would be semi-ok
except i'm still troll like
3:18 PM me: Oh honey i have both
i have eczema on my legs now as of this morning
3:19 PM i got in the shower after my run and was like "hey why are my legs burning"
"oh look at all the nice red bumps and patches"
"damn i have HOT LEGS"
and kam
us combined
3:20 PM we'd be magnetic
we'd make some kind of magical nymph
3:22 PM Kam: our flakes would be like pixie dust
me: eeeeeech
3:23 PM Kam: hahah that was pretty gross, wasn't it?

Monday, March 31, 2008

On Morgie's Blog

Last Week: "President George W. Bush spoke with soldiers in Afghanistan. "I'm a little envious," he said via a remote video link. 'It must be exciting for you --in some ways romantic, in some ways, you know, confronting danger.'" (harper's)

Kamdizzle said...

you know what's ROMANTIC? getting slapped by Scarlett.

Oh yeah, that turns me on.
Hot in Pants,


Friday, March 28, 2008

more projecting; sorry old people

Kam: maybe he will be clever and witty
me: he's old he's prolly lost his wit
Kam: or he could be at the peak
4:48 PM i want to be 65 and extra sharp
an old lady no one fucks with

9 minutes
4:57 PM me: ok
4:58 PM i'm leaving. i'm going to meet this person and am not happy about it
i'm just going for the free tea and the shits and giggles
not shitting or giggling yet


Kam: i didz
4:31 PM :D
me: i was looking for it
Kam: :-/
4:34 PM Kam: i ate another donut

kam is allergic to everything but is relatively lucky in the grand scheme of things!!!

Kam: my face looks like a fucking tomato
freaking allergies
freakin soy in everything
3:25 PM me: aw poor kam
at least you don't have a history of prostectamy
which is a word not found in the microsoft word spell check database



Kam's new status message -
omg i miss lost now

omgosh can we put the this iz my jackface
on the blog
plz plz plz

coming of age

Kam: yes i saw the cute bunny

is that your cute bunny
me: no

me: but they are just as sad to have their balls cut off
Kam: what!
is that what spay and neuter means?
me: yes kam
welcome to grown up land
Kam: hey i've never had a pet


me: i didn't ever want to go to school/ on saturdays
Kam: i dont know
same here
sikh sunday school
i didnt speak punjabi very well so the kids made fun of me
me: aw
Kam: but now theyre all getting married or going to community college
karmas a bittchhh


Morgan: yes
it smells like coconut! or tanning lotion!
like acapulco!
maybe i am having a stroke

things with holes in them and filled with red stuff

Kam: neenarrneeenarr

i keep eating the damn donuts in the breakroom

me: haahah
doughnuts make my throat hurt
they burn
it's like an instant ulcer

Kam: but not the cinnamon/powedered sugar donuts

me: a big, perforated, bleeding ulcer

Kam: mmmmm powdered sugar

me: mmm surgery!
someday kam, you are going to have your last doughnut and i am going to cut you open

Kam: ew

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Different Strokes for Different Folks

Morgan: WHY does everywhere i go smell like HOTDOGS

me: are you sURE you're not having a stroke?

Morgan: WHY am I SO THIRSTY today
pretty sure
it'd be like a 18 hour stroke
highly unfortunate

But There's No Toto

2:31 PM me: man
my boss keeps calling me dorothy
she thinks its funny

Morgan: hahahahaha

me: no.

Morgan: that's pretty much the funniest name you could ever be called

me: its b/c i'm from kansas

Morgan: wow
that's horrible

2:55 PM Morgan: i'm singing the wicked witch theme to myself now


me: he sent me like 4 emails last night
this is not normal
i need normal
what happened to normalcy land?

Kam: ahhh he sounds weird now

me: i don't think he's actually weird
i'm projecting
if it goes horribly i'm w/in running distance of home
oh shit he's faster than me

Kam: but you are small and bouncy
you can run into areas he cannot

me: bouncy?
are you calling me fat?
oh crap i have a meeting

Kam: i mean like a bunny!

Paper Cuts are Bitchin'

My theory is that everyone in the working world, especially those recently blessed with the attainment of a BA and a job that requires them to sit in front of a computer all day entering data/emailing egotistical types who don't like to be on the CC: list (I'm TO: person, got it?) and basically doing all the dirty work for those recently blessed with an MA, MBA, JD, MD,PhD or what have you, pretty much spend most of their working hours on GChat with all the other under-thirties who are tearing their eyeballs out of their sockets with boredome, taking the stairs voluntarily in order to elevate their heartbeat and nursing about three million paper cuts. These are the chronicles of one such gchat friendship, formerly based on actual human contact, but unavoidably cast from the empirical world into the waves of internet-based society.